Investor information



Ministry of Mines and Mining Development : Is the regulatory authority for the mineral sector. The Ministry of Mines administers the Mines and Minerals Act and associated laws. Through its arms it issues mining title and monitors the effective utilisation of the country's mineral resources.
For further information contact: The Permanent Secretary ZIMRE Centre, 7th Floor, Cnr Leopold Takawira/Kwame Nkrumah P. Bag 7709, Causeway, Harare Telephone: 263-4-777022/9, 798771-3, 798775 Fax: 263-4-777044, 798774 Website:
Mining Industry Pension Fund : The Mining Industry Pension Fund (MIPF) was set up in 1952, through an Industrial Agreement between the Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe (COMZ) as one-party representing employers’ organisations, and the Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe (AMWUZ), Mine Officials and Salaried Staff Association, collectively referred to as the Trade Unions representing employees in the mining industry, being the other party. The Agreement incorporates Fund Rules which conform to the Pension and Provident Funds Act and Regulations, and serve as a rule book for the administration of the Fund. The Fund Rules were initially published as Statutory Instrument 771 of 1982, then later replaced by Statutory Instrument 14 of 2016 which is currently being reviewed to align with changes in the regulatory and operating environment. The main objective of the Fund is to provide for the payment of pension benefits to members in accordance with the Fund Rules. Every member who leaves employment shall be paid a pension benefit depending on the nature of exit from employment. Therefore, all members exiting employment should complete a Claim Form and submit it to the Fund to initiate the processing of their pension benefits.
For further information contact: The Harare Office Mining Industry Pension Fund, MIPF House, 5 Central Ave P.O. Box CY 1452, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe Tel: (+263 242) 793821/5, 796262-3, 796236, 251550 Cell: (+263) 712 607557, 772 220678/9, 712 610387, 772 147605 Email:, Website:
Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) : The Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) is the country's investment promotion body set up to promote and facilitate both foreign direct investment and local investment. ZIA is an institution born out of the merger of the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) and the Zimbabwe Investment Centre (ZIC). This was done to create a one stop Investment shop for quicker and easier facilitation of investment
For further information contact: Chief Executive Officer 109 Rotten Row P.O. Box 5950 Harare Tel: 263 -4- 757931/5 759911/5 78014/8 Email: Website:
Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ) : The Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe was established under the MMCZ Act of 1982 as the exclusive agent for the selling and marketing of all minerals produced in Zimbabwe, except gold and silver. It is wholly owned by the government and falls under the ambit of the Ministry of mines and Mineral Development.
For further information contact: The General Manager 90 Mutare Rd, Msasa Box 2628 Harare Tel: 263 – 4 487200/ 486945 Email: Website:
Zimbabwe Geological Survey : The Zimbabwe Geological Survey, founded in 1910, is Zimbabwe's premier geological research organization. It is overseen by the country's Ministry of Mines and Mining Development. The Geological Survey is charged with collecting and archiving information relating to the natural resources present within Zimbabwe.
For further information contact: The DirectorMaufe Building, Fifth St/Selous Avenue P. O. Box CY 210, Causeway Telephone: 263-4-730314/5 Fax: 263-4-253626 E-mail:; Web site:
Institute of Mining Research : The Institute was established in 1969 by a Memorandum of Agreement between the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development and the University of Zimbabwe. The Institute is mandated to undertake independent research, further training and consultancy services, and promote the collection and collation of information for the benefit of mining in Zimbabwe. The mandate is executed under the auspices of the University of Zimbabwe. The Institute is supported by an annual grant from Government through the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, which is administered by the University of Zimbabwe. The Institute reports to both Ministry of Mines and Mining Development and the University of Zimbabwe.
For further information contact: For further information, contact: The Chairperson Institute of Mining Research University of Zimbabwe Box 167 Mt Pleasant, Harare Tel: 336418 Email: Website:
Other affiliates

of the Chamber

Association of Mine Engineers of Zimbabwe
Association of Mine Managers of Zimbabwe
Association of Mine Surveyors of Zimbabwe
Bulawayo District Mining Association
Dimension Stone Producers Association
District Advisory Boards
Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe
Fred Steward Trust
Gwanda Mining Association
Harare and District Mining Association
Institute of Mining Research
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
Midlands Mining Association
Mine Rescue Association
Mining Affairs Board
Mining Industry Association of Southern Africa
National Economic Consultative Forum
National Manpower Council
National Railways Consultative Committee
National University of Science and Technology
Natural Resources Board (Mineral resources committee)
Other Chambers of mines: i.e SA, Zambia, Namibia, etc
Pneumoconiosis Board
Standards Association of Zimbabwe
University of Zimbabwe
Workers Compensation Advisory Board
Zimbabwe Drilling Association
Zimbabwe Occupational health and safety Council
Zimbabwe School of Mines Management Board